Art & Climate in Practice is a three-week programme of events exploring the work of artists, curators and others engaged with the climate emergency and a diverse range of related issues. The programme’s focus is on the development of artists’ practice, informed by the themes and approaches which have emerged from Chrysalis Arts’ ongoing Greening Arts Practice programme. These include:
· Collaborations between artists, curators, scientists, environmentalists and other specialists
· Slow Art and artists’ deepening engagement with the natural environment
· Activism and social engagement
· Wellbeing and Creativity
· Sustainable processes and materials
The programme will give you the chance to explore these topics in online presentations, Q&A’s and discussions and via in-person walks and workshops.
ACKROYD & HARVEY - Friday 7 May, 2pm - Online presentation and discussion
Heather Ackroyd and Dan Harvey are internationally known, multi-disciplinary artists and co-founders of Culture Declares Emergency. They are acclaimed for their monumental artistic interventions using living plant materials, intercepting perceptions of place and landscape. Recorded presentation followed by live talk and discussion with Heather and Dan via Zoom, referencing the artists’ Beuys’ Acorns project and Culture Declares Emergency initiative.
DALZIEL & SCULLION - Thursday 13 May, 2pm - Online film and discussion
Matthew Dalziel and Louise Scullion are Scottish based artists working with sculpture, photography, video and sound. Their work explores new ways to engage with the environment and ecology, drawing attention to the restorative powers of the natural world and helping audiences experience our shared environment from alternative perspectives.
Film followed by live discussion and questions via Zoom.
SUSTAINABLE CRAFT IN WEST SWEDEN - Friday 14 May, 2pm - Online film and discussion
Presentation by Katarina Karlsson, Regional Craft Advisor, Department for Cultural Development, West Sweden of interviews with four makers whose practice is inspired by environmental and sustainability issues. Film followed by questions and discussion via Zoom.
Annika Andersson, Tollered/Nääs. Textile artist with sustainability as her guiding star see her work here
Eva Zethraeus, Gothenburg. Ceramic artist with a passion for natural dye and fungi. See her work here and here
Johan Åberg/Dye for Indigo. Textile designer who make a big lifestyle change leaving the commercial textile business and works with traditional Japanese textile techniques, local farming and sustainability. See his work here and here
Anders Lindberg, Gothenburg - A passionate woodworker with a fantastic setting. See his work here and here
CATHY FITZGERALD - Thursday 20 May, 2pm - Online presentation and live Q&A
Cathy Fitzgerald is an eco-social art practitioner, researcher and educator based in Ireland whose long-term Hollywood Forest project explores how a move towards ecological forestry will be a critical response to the environmental emergency. Cathy also discusses her wider practice and activism role. Recorded presentation followed by live discussion and questions via Zoom.
VERONICA SEKULES - Thursday 27 May, 2pm - Online film and discussion
Veronica Sekules is Director of Groundwork Gallery, King’s Lynn. With an extensive background as a curator, writer and educator, Veronica talks about her development of England’s first gallery with a specific focus on environmental issues and her wide-ranging collaborations with artists, environmentalists and other specialists.
Recorded film followed by live discussion and questions via Zoom.
Friday 28 May, 10.30am - Walk at Malham Tarn National Nature Reserve led by ecologist Fran Graham
National Trust Ecologist and artist Fran Graham will lead this walk around Malham Tarn, the highest marl lake in Great Britain and known for its outstanding views and rich variety of wildlife, including a number of rare species. This is an opportunity to explore this SSSI and National Nature Reserve from an ecologist’s perspective. This walk will be followed by a workshop with Alice Fox (details below, bookable separately)
Friday 28 May, 2pm - Workshop with Alice Fox
Alice Fox will run a workshop following the Malham Tarn National Nature Reserve walk with Fran Graham, recording your experience of the place through a series of creative activities on paper. The afternoon creative workshop will explore ways you can record your personal experience of the landscape. You’ll make a series of simple book forms as personal gathering places, building up text, marks and stains from the place.
These events are free of charge and will be available via our Facebook and Instagram.
Project Presentation by Sue Harrison - Available now
Climate change has got personal. As Sue travelled on the sea with her husband she witnessed the land from a different perspective. Tides, water levels, wind and weather controlled the passage and gave a keen understanding of the fragile coastal edges and existence. The very process of penetrating her sail-like cloth with her needle and thread in order to ‘tell the tale’ of their journey captures the process of their nautical wayfaring.
Project Presentation by Sam Pickett - Available now
The Hexting Project is a series of visual essays produced by thirty contributing artists. The project evolved over lockdown as way to explore interconnectedness and the potential for ‘idea’ cross-pollination - like a bee visiting multiple flowers – through the exchange of text messages. Each essay takes thirty days to complete and begins with a ‘source’ text; a short paragraph containing underlying themes such as anthropocentricism, political systems and post-humanism.
Artist Film by Jacqui Symons - Available from 24th May 2021
From Plant to Print: An exploration of natural colour and plant-based pigments
Jacqui Symons of Slow Lane Studio presents 'From Plant to Print', a film that showcases plant-based pigments and the use of these within her printmaking practice. The film embraces a thoughtful and slow-art approach to her work, with considered steps and time to reflect on one’s practice. It invites viewers to step off the conveyor belt, slow down, consume less and be more aware of their materials and processes.
With thanks to Fabrizio Paterlini for his wonderful music and Richard Dawson for creating the film.
Fabrizio Paterlini:
Richard Dawson:
Jacqui Symons: