Species found at Marton Wood

In 2023, during our Marton Wood Pilot Programme, we began working with ecologists and artists to record and study the wood. We’ve continued to develop a list of species found in Marton Wood since then. 

Some interesting and exciting finds have been spotted in the wood.

Fungi Expert, Andy Woodall said:

"The Red-spored Dapperling was a good find. I only know of one other site for it. I thought it might be that in the field but I had to get a spore print off it.  Weirdly, it has a green spore print which turns red."

Moth Expert, Charlie Fletcher said:

"It was nice to record a few things of interest, especially the Metalampra italica! I was pleased that 20 species were new for the 10K square, so that’s some nice dots on the maps...A lot of the interesting species were oak feeders, so the mature oaks are obviously important at the site. For further details on any of these species, see https://yorkshiremoths.co.uk/"

The Metalampra italica, according to UK Moths, was first seen in 2003 in the UK. Between 2020–2022 it was spotted only 5 times in Yorkshire. It has gradually been heading North.

We’ll continue to record the species we find on our Marton Wood Species List, which can be viewed on our website.

Thank you to all the specialists who have given their time, knowledge and enthusiasm to the Mapping Marton Wood project. 

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