Late Summer 2023 at Marton Wood

Local Community

Late Summer in Marton Wood was all about the local community. Following the Open Gardens event we attended in June, we invited the community into the wood for a walk with Ecologist Mark Hewitt. This was our second community walk in the wood with Mark, following on from an Autumn walk last year.

Deep Summer in the wood is a different experience to Autumn. It had become overgrown in various places with bramble and nettles, but we still managed to find our way through. Between all of the rainy August days, we somehow managed a sunny walk, and even caught sight of a young deer!

Thank you to everyone who joined us.


This Summer we’ve been exploring Marton Wood’s moth population. Entomologists Jill Warwick and Charlie Fletcher placed moth boxes in the wood, and have opened them at various times to record the species. At the end of July, we invited a group of involved artists to watch the boxes be opened. There were 70+ species identified, including a new moth that's only just begun to be recorded in Yorkshire due to the warming climate.

We’ll be updating our website with the ecological information we’ve gathered on the wood in the coming months. 


Laney Birkhead has been involved with our slow art initiative at Marton Wood since its early days in 2022. Over the past year, she has run primary school workshops, community workshops and created impressive work in collaboration with the community.

This October, Laney Birkhead is sharing her collaborative print-making project with the Printmakers Circle over on Instagram.

Collaborative printmaking has been part of my art practice for many years, I hope you are going to enjoy seeing the results.’ – Laney Birkhead on Printsmakers Circle

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