Five Hectares is a new pilot project developed by Chrysalis Arts which aims to help people enjoy a greater connection with the natural world, to learn more about the mosaic of inter-relationships and habitats that supports our environment and us and imagine how they would like to see it evolve in the future.
As an important part of this process, we’re inviting people to collaborate with us to create a unique Atlas that aims to offer different perspectives on how we perceive our environment and explore the aspects of place that matter to us and those we share it with. Work created during these workshops will be showcased in an online exhibition and some (with permission) will be adapted to form part of the bound copy. The project is based in Gargrave, Malhamdale, and surrounding areas.
Taster Day - Friday 24th September drop in anytime from 1pm – 6pm
An introductory session where all are welcome. For this sessions we invite you to bring along some flowers and leaves from your garden, favourite walk or a local hedgerow. We will use the flowers and leaves to create eco-prints. CarolAnn will also lead some introductory sessions on creating maps in stitch. No previous experience is required and all ages are welcome.
Come along to have a go, find out more about the project and to get an introduction to the following bi-weekly workshops.
Ongoing bi-weekly workshops - Friday afternoons: 8th & 22nd October & 5th & 19th November 2021
These sessions are for people who want to learn more skills in stitch or to use the skills they already have, to create stitched maps of their local environment.
Artists, crafters, stitchers, and those who would like to learn more are all welcome. Over these couple of months CarolAnn will guide you to create a map of significance to you. We will discuss environmental issues and challenges, explore our known history of the environment and imagine how we would like it to develop in the future.